Our Partner

Aurio Fajrin V.
Senior Leader
Aurio is a Executive Leader in Skha Consulting since 2016. He has been involved in several projects, especially in the property, energy & infrastructure sectors.
His expertise spans Business Development, Strategic Planning, PMO and Corporate Finance.
Social Media
- Property
- Energy & Infrastructure
- Government
- Business & Strategy Development
- Corporate Finance
- Led a Strategic Delivery Unit (SDU) improvement of output standard and working mechanism development for a Ministry
- Led a Long Term Corporate Strategic Plan 2022 – 2026 development for a Leading Industrial Estate Company in Indonesia
- Led a Program Management Office for SOE Participation in the 2022 Government Work Plan
- Led a Program Management Office for increasing the effectiveness of Indonesia’s Medium Term Development Plan
- Led a Project management office of operational preparation of National Housing Financing Authority in Indonesia
- Led a Program management office of non-government budget initiatives for national development planning institution
- Program management office of quick win initiatives strategic for national development planning institution
- Developed policy for Integrated Port Network Strategic Initiative for one of Ministries in Indonesia
- Develop an institutional development for climate change trust fund institution
- Develop a 5-years corporate plan for a construction company with one of the most prestigious toll road projects