
Policy Advisory

Policy Advisory is a service that provides consultation regarding your business organization’s policy formulation in accordance with existing laws.

Skha Corporate Policy Analysis Services

Devise the appropriate policies for the organization with Skha, starting from reports documentation, consulting with various Key Stakeholders, to delving deeper into your business sector to construct policy details with the highest level of accuracy

Skha’s corporate policy analysis service establishes internal company policies by assessing current issues and circumstances that may affect your business. From analyzing the relevancy of the latest government programs to adjusting policies with pertinent laws, Skha is here to assist your rules and regulations.


Business Insights

Success comes from knowledge and experience. Find Skha’s stories, research, skills, and projects with past clients in this archive.

Advisory & Transaction

Manage and coordinate teams, clients, and other third parties during the transaction process

Business Design

Designing management systems for sustainable and adaptive business growth.

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