The role of women is undoubtedly needed in various aspects of life. In economic recovery, for example, the Indonesian economy is slowly recovering after the pandemic was gradually controlled.
Of course, in solving this problem, the government needs the Indonesian people’s cooperation and the private sector’s role. It is no exception for women to participate in the recovery of the national economy.
In Indonesia, the data states that the active working age of women in the workforce reaches 54%. This value is much different from that of men, 82%. Even this has tended to stagnate over the last 20 years.
The Role of Women in Economic Recovery Requires Efforts to Address the Gender Gap
With Indonesia’s demographic condition being dominated by a productive workforce aged 15-64 years, female labor force participation will be increased by just 25 percent in 2025. This could generate an additional $62 billion (890 trillion rupiahs) in economic activity and add 2 to GDP. .9 percent.
So, what needs to be done to boost the role of women in the national economic recovery?
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1. Addressing the Gender Gap in the World of Work
Support is needed from the wider community, not only women but also all stakeholders, to overcome the gender gap in the world of work.
It cannot be denied that gender inequality is a significant problem and that women often do not get equality in work. Providing equal opportunities for women to work, of course, can encourage an increase in women’s contribution to national economic recovery.
2. Providing Child Care Services
Limitations in having a job and showing its role in the work environment are often constrained to care for and care for children. So the availability of quality childcare services is essential.
Not only that, the availability of public preschool facilities in Indonesia has, in fact, increased employment for mothers. Based on World Bank analysis in Indonesia, each addition of public preschool facilities for 1,000 children increases engagement for mothers by 13%.
3. Need Support Women Entrepreneurs Network
Indonesia already has a network of women entrepreneurs, which is quite large and continues to grow. Even so, women who work independently still run businesses on a smaller scale and are less productive than men.
However, this condition can be maximized if it is supported using digital financial devices.
As well as the integration of financial products with technical support services, as well as the search for alternatives as credit collateral requirements that will be able to encourage growth and job creation and increase the role of women in the economy.
With equal access and the role of all parties, the number of women who earn low wages from work in the informal sector with non-standard risky, unsafe jobs can be reduced immediately.
The representation of women’s voices in a company also needs to be taken seriously. Because this will have an impact on their comfort in working, which in turn will affect the quality of their performance.
One company that continues to strive to provide a safe and comfortable work environment that is non-discriminatory is Skha. Skha is a management consulting firm that has been operating for 21 years.
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