
Naufan Yuqa S.

Senior Leader


Naufan Yuqa Satrio adalah salah satu Leader di Skha yang bergabung pada tahun 2019. Sebelumnya, Naufan bekerja di industri kertas selama dua tahun berkat keahliannya di bidang Transformasi dan Operasional.

Dari segi pendidikan, Naufan memiliki gelar Sarjana Teknik dari Institut Teknologi Bandung. Naufan juga sangat berminat dalam bidang edukasi serta Komunitas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat.

Media Sosial


Institut Teknologi Bandung
Mechanical Engineering


  • Financial Service
  • Property & Real Estate


  • Market Analysis
  • Business & Strategy Development

Pengalaman Proyek

  • Led a feasibility study for an Industrial Estate Development and Dock development project as a SOE’s Industrial Estate Strategic Project
  • Led an Organizational Blueprint Development of Management and Operationalization of Personal Data Protection Agency in 2021
  • Led a long-term corporate plan development for a region bank with assets of more than IDR 120 trillion
  • Business Restructuring for one of Distribution and trading company, subsidiary of SOE’s agro-industry, pharmaceuticals and trade in Indonesia
  • Assisted implementation and PMO of large-scale transformation at one of top 5 banks in Indonesia
  • Developed one of the biggest property & real estate SOE company for corporate plan making
  • Increased revenue for 17.6 mUSD per month by conducting Cycle Time Reduction initiatives from inquiry to cash process
  • Developed sales pipeline management using CRM tools and build sales performance management to increase pipeline visibility and production machine runnability
  • Increased paper cost efficiency by doing spec rationalization, packaging optimization up to 4.2 mUSD per annum
Naufan Yuqa Satrio bekerja sebagai Business Analyst di Asia Pulp and Paper selama 2 tahun sebelum bergabung dengan Skha pada 2019. Selama bekerja di Asia Pulp Paper, Naufan bertanggung jawab dalam Transformasi Produk Perusahaan, Operasi Penjualan, dan Rantai Pasokan Perusahaan.
Leader, Indonesia
2019 - Sekarang
Asia Pulp and Paper
Business Analyst, Indonesia
2017 - 2019